The same phenomena that made Facebook so popular will also be its downfall. Just like with any addiction, one eventually needs more of the desired product in order to find satisfaction. In the case of the internet, people need better and updated versions of the same type of product. This is where Tumblr steps in.
Tumbler gives teenagers the ability to reach more people, share more pictures (and GIFs), and create their own online content. This means that they get a lot more visibility, and consequently, more dopamine. As one online blog so aptly pointed out, "Tumblr beats Facebook in everything. People spill their hearts out on Facebook and no one gives a s*it I spill my heart out on here and get props for it. You post something on Facebook, zero likes. Post it on Tumblr, 2,000 reblogs."
According to a recent survey by Posterous co-founder Garry Tan....
Tumblr was the favorite social network for the two age groups surveyed, ages 13-18 (teens) and 19-25 (young adults).
Here’s the breakdown per platform:
- Tumblr dominated, used regularly by 61% of teens and 57% of young adults surveyed.
- Facebook drew in 55% of teens and 52% of young adults.
- Twitter was used regularly by 22% of teens and 17% of young adults.
- Instagram drew in 21% of teens and only 11% of young adults.
- Snapchat (the newest of the platforms) earned 13% of teens and just 4% of young adults.